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Frequently Asked Questions

Get quick answers to common Voicenotes questions in one place—from basic setup and usage tips to upcoming features and best practices.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

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  • I love Voicenotes! How can I help?

    • The best way to support us today would be to leave a review on the iOS, Android and Trustpilot. Users tend to leave reviews when things are broken, but rarely when things are fixed and working well. We read and appreciate every single review. 🙏

  • What are some best practices to use Voicenotes?

    • Quantity over quality. The more you add, the better it gets. We recommend capturing your raw thoughts as freely and as often as possible. In a world where AI can organize and surface your notes when needed, we believe one should optimize for maximum input.

    • The shorter, the better. Shorter notes tend to focus on one subject and are often easier and more enjoyable to rediscover in the future.

    • Voicenotes become more useful and fun as time passes. You'll start connecting the dots a lot more with the help of AI.

    More on the technical side:

    • Even if you speak softly or record in a noisy environment, it'll capture your voice just fine.

    • If you speak in one of the unsupported languages (such as Malayalam), select English as your preferred language and record for a human-level accurate translation to English. It's pretty magical.

    • If you have the latest iPhone, setting Voicenotes as your action button is 🤯.

    • If you're using Voicenotes on your computer, keyboard shortcuts are a godsend. Tap 'R' to start recording and 'D' when you're done.

    • We see many unique styles of using Voicenotes. We'd love to hear how you use it. We repost some of it on our use-cases page.

  • Who is behind Voicenotes?

    • Voicenotes is founded by Jijo and Aleesha, a husband-wife duo who are also co-founders of Buy Me a Coffee (launched in 2007), one of the largest and most popular creator funding platforms on the web. You can watch the Voicenotes backstory and the founder's vision on YouTube.

  • How do I contact you?

    • Tweet us at @voicenotesai or share a post in our Reddit community for a quick response if you want to share feedback, give us a shoutout, or share an interesting use-case or feature request that you discovered. This will also help other note-takers.

    • Email [email protected] to report any issues and raise support tickets. We read every email, share the issues with our dev team promptly, and resolve the issue at the earliest. As it happens very often, sometimes we resolve the issue even before you receive the reply email.

  • Why should I take notes in the first place?

    1. To free up your mind and be present.

    2. Save things for later.

      • What are the chances that something interesting or useful you just came across is exactly what you need at this moment? Taking notes allows you to capture these insights for when you need them in the future.

      • It could be an interesting movie, a book recommendation, a restaurant you want to visit, an item you're thinking about buying, or a matter you want to share with someone—anything that might prove useful later.

    3. Notes can be the starting point of all your work.

      • When starting a new design, writing an article, or preparing for a meeting, we find ourselves quickly looking up our notes to find relevant ideas. It helps us go from zero to one instantly.

  • Are my notes really private?

    • Yes. All notes are secured on the cloud, not used for AI training, and only retrieved upon authenticated user requests.

    • Voicenotes started as a personal passion project and the founders (Jijo & Aleesha) used the app for their most personal notes. The platform was designed to be private knowing they'll eventually have to hire team members in the future.

  • Some features on the web are not available on mobile apps. Why?

    • Some features may still be in development or rolled out first on the web version, which allows us to test and refine them before bringing them to mobile. In addition, the mobile app has different design constraints and technical considerations (such as screen size and platform requirements), and every new update has to undergo platform review and an elaborate approval process by Apple/Google before it is made available to the users. This causes the new features to lag behind the web version. Rest assured, we aim to provide a consistent experience across platforms as we continue updating and improving our mobile app.

  • I just lost a note that I recorded. Help?

    • It is super rare (1 in 1000) but sucks when it happens. It is often related to a bad network or a browser/device related issue.

    • If the audio was successfully uploaded, you can retry transcription and title creation from the Web.

  • What AI models do you use?

    • We use the best-in-class (and therefore most expensive) models such as GPT-4o and Claude 3.5 Sonnet for most tasks. We sometimes use a faster model like Claude Haiku for features such as Related Notes which do not require high intelligence.

  • How does Voicenotes compare with apps like X and Y?

    • The honest answer is that we don’t know. We're sure there are some great products for specific use-cases, but we set out to build Voicenotes because we couldn’t find anything that they would want to use. And our use-case was very simple: take quick notes and make sense of it when we need them with minimal effort.

    • Our goal is to build the most delightful product for our daily use.

  • You guys are the founders of Buy Me a Coffee; how do you find the time to build and maintain this?

    • When we started, Voicenotes was very much a nights-and-weekends project. But as the user base grew and the app became steadier, we hired help and set up our team. We use Voicenotes ourselves religiously and enjoy designing new features and we plan to do it for as long as we can.

  • Do you have an affiliate program?

    • Yes, if you’re a creator/influencer who’d like to share Voicenotes with your community, you now get to keep 20% of the sales: Thank you for spreading the word.

Have more questions?

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We read every email!

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